Monday, April 29, 2013

Update Review to-'Game of Thrones' Recap: Perfect Game- Movie - Music News Today

Feed: Movie and Music News Today
Posted on: Monday, April 29, 2013 18:55
Author: Title Mangler - improved
Subject: ::Update Review to-'Game of Thrones' Recap: Perfect Game- Movie - Music News Today


Whatever it is you like about Game of Thrones this episode gave you something to like Written by perpetual standout Bryan Cogman and directed with real power by Alex Graves "Kissed by Fire" marks Season Three's halfway point and it's the season's finest hour to date It did everything Game of...

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Saturday, April 27, 2013

Performing tale Jane Fonda has cemented her stardom in Hollywood's Walk regarding Fame

Performing tale Jane Fonda has cemented her stardom in Hollywood's Walk regarding Fame, putting her hand and also foot prints inside cement next to all those of her overdue daddy Henry Fonda.

Jane Fonda honoured on Hollywood's Walk of Fame


Fonda's imprints in Hollywood Blvd


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The 75-year-old Oscar-winner after that provided tearful feedback to a crowd of guests, stating that being able to lay her prints following to her dad's was the highest honour.


She stated: "Exactly what is particularly important to me is which I am going to be right next to my dad, right over there. And also I can feel his presence at this time. And he utilized to state to me: 'Jane, shouldn't let this town walk all more than you.' Well Dad, right this moment the town can easily walk all over both of us permanently. Thank you all so much for this honour and for being here."


The service on Hollywood Boulevard arrived as part of the 2013 TCM Classic Film Festival, which usually has been honouring Fonda.


Fonda's buddy and other celebrity Maria Shriver, who attended the ceremony, stated: "Via her life's work, she has left a serious and also permanent mark on the hearts and thoughts of millions and millions of individuals all over the world. Therefore it is only fitting that she have this last imprint here."


Fonda came back to acting in 2005 right after a 15-year tumulte. 1 of her most current roles was for a guest-starring period on the HBO series, The Newsroom.


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Justin Bieber: 'Medicines As well as Stun Weapon Upon Trip Tour bus'

Feed: Entertainment News Sky
Posted on: Friday, April 26, 2013 01:40
Author: Entertainment News Sky
Subject: Justin Bieber: 'Drugs And Stun Gun On Tour Bus'


Drugs and a stun gun have been found on board Justin Bieber's tour bus, according to Swedish police. Police spokesman Varg Jyllander told Sky News an officer on crowd duty smelled marijuana from the vehicle. It had been parked outside the Stockholm hotel where the pop star was staying just before his concert in the capital on Wednesday night.

Mr Jyllander said drugs police were alerted and followed the bus to the venue before searching the empty vehicle after around 10 passengers - including Bieber - had entered the arena. He explained: "They found a small amount of drugs and a stun gun.


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Canadian singer Justin Bieber performs on stage during the first of his three concerts at Telenor Arena in Oslo


Bieber during a recent concert in Norway's capital, Oslo "Now the drugs are (being) sent over to the forensics lab, and before we have the analysis results we won't (comment further). It was a short search for around half an hour.

"There is no suspect at the moment. The crew left and took the bus, but the investigation is still going on.

"It was a small stun gun and in this country you need a permit to carry one or have one - and they hadn't."

He said testing the drugs was "not a high priority" and it could be some days before the results are known. Mr Jyllander added that the singer and his entourage were free to leave the country.

Bieber is travelling around Europe on his Believe tour and is due to perform in Finland on Friday.

He tweeted after arriving in Helsinki ahead of the show: "Some of the rumours about me....where do people even get this stuff. whatever...back to the music."

The 19-year-old Canadian star's tour has been controversial.

He was criticised earlier this month after visiting the Anne Frank Museum and saying he hoped the young Holocaust victim would have been a "belieber" - one of his army of fans.

Last month, Bieber's pet Mally, a 17-week-old capuchin monkey, was seized in Germany after he failed to produce the correct paperwork. He was also pictured walking bare-chested through customs in Poland and was reportedly asked to leave a top hotel in Paris. The star also apologised for appearing on stage late during a run of shows in London - and was caught on camera "struggling" during another concert.


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Sunday, April 14, 2013

BBC presenter Andrew Marr has told how he feels "lucky to be alive" three months after suffering a stroke.

Marr, 53, made his first television appearance on his own show on Sunday morning and spoke of his battle to regain his health.

Despite still struggling to walk properly, he insists he will return to his previous job as one of the BBC's top presenters and interviewers.

He said: "I had a major stroke, I'm frankly lucky to be alive. I had been heavily overworking - mostly my own fault - in the year before that.

"I'd torn the carotid artery, which takes blood into the brain, and had a stroke overnight - which basically wipes out a bit of your brain.

"In my case, luckily not my voice or memory or anything like that, but the whole left hand side of my body, which is why I'm still not able to walk fluently. A kind of elegant hobble is the best I can manage.

"My left arm isn't much good yet. I've got a lot of physio still to do."

Andrew Marr in December 2012 before his strokeAndrew Marr in December 2012 weeks before his stroke

The presenter explained that the stroke in January came after he had been working very hard and also exercising intensively.

He said: "I'd had two minor strokes, it turned out, in that year - which I hadn't noticed - and then I did the terrible thing of believing what I read in the newspapers.

"The newspapers were saying what we must all do is take very intensive exercise, in short bursts, and that's the way to health.

"Well I went on to a rowing machine and gave it everything I had, and had a strange feeling afterwards - a blinding headache, and flashes of light - served out the family meal, went to bed, woke up the next morning lying on the floor unable to move."

Mr Marr pre-recorded interviews with the Conservative former Cabinet minister Lord Parkinson and the Labour peer Baroness Kennedy on Saturday at Broadcasting House.

The live section of his programme is still being hosted by guest presenters, with newsreader Sophie Raworth standing in on Sunday.

Mr Marr assured her that he remained determined to return to full-time duties in time.

"The only way through is intensive physio and doing a lot of it. And I'm now in the period where if I really concentrate on the physio, I will get better, and if I don't, I won't. Which is why I'm not back trying to do the job full-time, I have to say," he said.

"I'm going to be taking your chair I'm absolutely sure, when I'm ready. I'm certainly coming back. I've got a lot more to say about it all, but I'm going to wait until I've gone through the physio to do so."


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Friday, April 12, 2013

Ex-Apprentice Champion Manages to lose Sugars Work Situation

Former Apprentice winner Stella English has lost her claim of constructive dismissal against millionaire businessman Lord Sugar.

Ms English, 34, sued the Labour peer after resigning from the £100,000-a-year job that was her prize for winning series six of the BBC1 show in 2010.

She had complained her role at Lord Sugar's Viglen division was that of an "overpaid lackey", which her former boss strongly denied.

Ms English also claimed the job was "a sham" and a "PR construct", a tribunal heard last month.

The businessman insisted he had no case to answer and that Ms English was a "chancer" and a "money-grabber" who brought the case with the intention of settling out of court.

"I'm afraid she underestimated me and her reputation is now in tatters," Lord Sugar said.

In a written judgment, tribunal judge John Warren said: "This was a claim which should never have been brought."

An Apprentice is taking Lord Sugar to employment tribunal


Ms English and Lord Sugar pictured after she won The Apprentice

Lord Sugar has now vowed to take on the so-called claim culture as a "personal crusade".

He said: "She picked on the wrong person here and I do hope that, apart from it being a victory for me, that other business people will start to realise they shouldn't succumb to this type of blackmail and they should fight it."

After winning the TV series, Ms English was given a job at Viglen, supplying IT equipment to academy schools.

But she claimed that when the business mogul told her he would not be renewing her contract she was given no choice but to resign.

Ms English, who quit Viglen in May 2011, said she had no real role there and was not taken seriously by her colleagues.

She said she did not feel like Lord Sugar's "apprentice" as she only saw him five times during her 13-month employment.

Ms English had fought back tears in court as she said she was given no guidance about what she was meant to be doing, and was "ostracised" by her colleagues.

She claimed her employment was a "sham" and that she had been relegated to administrative tasks.

Lord Sugar at tribunal


Lord Sugar said Ms English tried to 'extract money' from him

Ms English, of Whitstable, Kent, also said she felt pressurised into taking up a new position at Lord Sugar's internet set-top box company YouView, but the tribunal panel said this was unfounded.

In September 2011, Ms English was told that her contract was not being renewed and she then quit.

However, the peer said at the time there was no long-term position available at YouView and that she had already made it clear she did not want to work at Viglen.

Lord Sugar said during the case that Ms English wrongly believed he was "scared" of articles about him or The Apprentice appearing in the press and that he would pay her off to avoid a hearing.

The tribunal judgment said it was made "abundantly clear" to Ms English that she would not be working directly under Lord Sugar.

It said she had the wrong idea about how glamorous, or otherwise, the role would be and that she had stated in her evidence that she believed previous winners of The Apprentice "had accompanied Lord Sugar in his private jet".

Lord Sugar said afterwards: "There was never a case for us to answer but her need for money and fame meant that the whole system was subjected to this charade.

"I have been cleared of a derisory attempt to smear my name and extract money from me.

"The allegations were without substance, and I believe this case was brought with one intention in mind - the presumption that I would not attend the tribunal, that I would not testify and that I would settle out of court, sending Ms English on her way with a tidy settlement."

He added: "This case was a sham and a total abuse of a tribunal system, which is there to protect employees who have been mistreated.

"It is not there to aid those chancing their arm at landing a big payday. I hope that other companies will learn from this example and also fight off derisory claims."


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BBC In Ding Dong Over Anti-Thatcher Song

The BBC says it is yet to decide whether to play Ding Dong The Witch Is Dead which mocks the death of Margaret Thatcher during the Radio 1 top 40 countdown.

The song from the Wizard Of Oz has been climbing the music download charts after anti-Thatcher campaigners encouraged people to buy it in the wake of the former prime minister's death.

The tune is already in the top five ahead of the weekend's Official Chart Show results.

Some reports say Radio 1, which has a target audience of 15 to 29-year-olds, is planning to play the track on the countdown and could have a reporter explain to listeners why the 1939 song is in the charts.

In a statement, the BBC said: "The Official Chart Show on Sunday is a historical and factual account of what the British public has been buying and we will make a decision about playing it when the final chart positions are clear."

David Cameron Welcomes Lady Thatcher To Downing StreetBaroness Thatcher died on Monday at the age of 87

Speaking to Sky News, the Sun's political editor, Tom Newton Dunn, said the BBC was "in a very difficult position".

He said: "It's an incredibly hard decision to make. They have to balance freedom of expression, the right to protest - albeit it very rudely - on one side, and also people's right not to be offended when listening to a simple chart show.

"It's a hugely offensive song and it's offensive that people are buying it - it's childish, but they also have a right to do that and say that.

"There are a lot worst things that you can do and if people want to be rude to a certain level then that is their right."

If the BBC decides to ban the song, it will not be the first time that the corporation has censored the airwaves.

Both the BBC and the Independent Broadcasting Authority, which was responsible for regulating commercial broadcasting, refused to play the Sex Pistols' God Save The Queen when it was released during the Silver Jubilee in 1977. The song reached number two in the charts.

The BBC also banned Frankie Goes To Hollywood's 1983 single Relax from both radio and television after deciding it was too obscene, but it went on to reach number one in January 1984.

In 2007, Radio 1 bleeped out some of the words on the Pogues' Fairytale Of New York to avoid offence, but it later reversed its decision after listeners complained.


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Reebok has ended its relationship with rapper Rick Ross

Reebok has ended its relationship with rapper Rick Ross, whose song featuring lyrics that seem to boast about drugging and raping a woman has caused an uproar.

"While we do not believe that Rick Ross condones sexual assault, we are very disappointed he has yet to display an understanding of the seriousness of this issue or an appropriate level of remorse," the sportswear brand said in a statement.

"At this time, it is in everyone's best interest for Reebok to end its partnership with Mr Ross."

Rick Ross performs onstage at the 2012 BET Hip Hop AwardsRick Ross at the BET awards last year

Ross had an endorsement deal with the company and promoted its shoes in print and TV commercials. 

Last week, the Miami-based rapper apologised on Twitter for his part on fellow rapper Rocko's song U.O.E.N.O, which contains lyrics that seem to refer to drugging and having sex with a woman who is unaware of what is happening.

It came the same day a women's group, UltraViolet, protested outside of one Reebok's stores in Manhattan.

Various women's rights organisations and some politicians have also been calling for more protests and boycotts over U.O.E.N.O, while some radio stations have dropped the record from their playlists.

In Rocko's song, Ross raps about giving a woman the drug MDMA, known as Molly, and having his way with her.

"Put Molly all up in her champagne, she ain't even know it, I took her home and I enjoyed that, she ain't even know it," he says.

In his apology on Twitter, Ross said he does not condone rape and apologised for the lyrics that were "interpreted as rape".

A week prior, Ross said in a radio interview that "there was a misunderstanding with the lyric" and that he didn't use the term "rape".

Protest For Reebok To Fire Rick RossUlraviolet protested outside a Reebok store in New York

Rocko told US station Hot 97 that he is removing Ross' rap from his song as the backlash "put him a position where I have to change" it.

UltraViolet said the group is "thrilled to hear that Reebok is joining the fight against rape culture and dropping Rick Ross".

"This sends a strong message that rapping about drugging and raping an unconscious woman is not only morally wrong, but has real consequences," the statement said.

Four of Ross' five albums have reached gold status, including last year's God Forgives, I Don't, which earned a Grammy nomination for best rap album.

His hits include The Boss and Aston Martin Music, and he has collaborated with acts like Kanye West, Drake, John Legend and Nicki Minaj.


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Thursday, April 11, 2013

Viewers regards in Getting back together Songs Event -- the very first songs event within Mogadishu right after many years of Islamist Al-Shabaab guideline

Fuelled from the high-volume tunes and also fast-talking performers, the particular Somali target audience danced, yelled and also sang.

Mogadishu's 1st audio festivity inside many years were as another step up shifting earlier a city soundscape when filled up with gunfire and also mortar shells.


The Reconciliation Music Festival was organised by a Somali rap group who moved overseas, Waayaha Cusub. Last week's performances attracted international artists to a capital city that until recently was music-free.

Though still limited in the number of performances, the festival offered several events, among which most were broadcast live by the country’s national television.

Several concerts, held between 27 March - 3 April, were recorded, aiming to shed light on many issues that the Somali youth wishes to address. On 29 March the International Solidarity Concert played, followed by the Women’s Music Concert on 30 March, Youth Open Mic Concert on 1 April, Former Fighter Reconciliation Concert on 3 April and more.

"We want to change the world's impression toward Mogadishu as a dangerous city," rapper Shine Akhiyar told the crowd from the stage. "Mogadishu is more peaceful than many cities considered 'peaceful.' Through music, we are committed to fight extremism."

The militant group Al-Shabaab ruled Mogadishu from 2006 until the fighters were forced out in August 2011. No lyrical stanzas were allowed in Al-Shabaab-controlled areas and the Al-Qaeda-linked militants banned music as a "sin," punishable by public flogging.

Two years ago, an Al-Shabaab spokesman threatened Waayaha Cusub after it produced a song disparaging the militants' rule and what they seem to consider, in sum, as the militant's penchant for killing civilians.

For the cheering audience in this seaside capital, the winds of change were audible.

Since Al-Shabaab was ousted, Somali cultural life seems to be witnessing a resurgence. Previously closed by the ruling Islamic Courts Union, several arts studios are now reopening, among them Shik Shik Arts, which exhibits and sells art as well as provides training to local artists.

Starting mid-2011, music returned to the national radio stations and on 19 March 2012 the first concert held in Mogadishu was also the first music event to be broadcasted by local television.

As the songs picture is actually slowly coming back, Somalia continues to have quite a distance to visit restore the wealthy social previous. The actual loaded open-air locations from the nineteen eighties happen to be bombed in order to trash or even busy through squatters. The background music is promoting, as well. Eliminated would be the tracks regarding really like as well as love. Rather, brand new songs discover the actual battle with regard to peacefulness.

Source: Songs vibrates within Somali funds within first event because Al-Shabaab ouster

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MTV Cancels Buckwild After Gandee's Death

MTV is to cancel US reality show Buckwild after the recent death of 21-year-old-star Shain Gandee.

Gandee, his uncle and another man died from carbon monoxide poisoning on April 1.

Their Ford Bronco was found stuck in a muddy ditch in West Virginia with its tail pipe submerged. Authorities believe fumes filled the cabin because of the clogged pipe.

MTV said cancelling the popular series was "not an easy decision".

"Given Shain's tragic passing and essential presence on the show, we felt it was not appropriate to continue without him," said spokesman Jake Urbanski.

"We are working on a meaningful way to pay tribute to his memory on our air and privately," he added.

Gandee, his 48-year-old uncle, David Gandee, and 27-year-old friend Donald Robert Myers were last been seen leaving a bar at 3am on March 31.

Shain Gandee, nicknamed "Gandee Candy" by fans, was a breakout star of the show which followed the antics of a group of young friends enjoying a wild country lifestyle.

One of the 21-year-old's favourite hobbies was "mudding" - off-road driving.

The series was filmed last year mostly around Sissonville and Charleston. Shooting for a second season was underway at the time of the deaths.

The show, which replaced Jersey Shore, pulled in an average of three million viewers.

MTV also released a statement from Shane's parents, Loretta and Dale Gandee.

"We have truly felt all the love and know that Shain is resting peacefully," they said.

"Shain was an incredible, outgoing and positive person who was loved by whoever he met. We are honoured that we were able to let the world see what a wonderful son we had."


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Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Estee Lauder Inheritor Gives you $1bn Cubist Artwork

Cosmetics billionaire Leonard Lauder has given his collection of 78 Cubist art works - thought to be worth about $1bn - to New York's Metropolitan Museum of Art.

The gifts includes pieces by Picasso, Braque, Gris and Leger and took the heir to the Estee Lauder cosmetics empire four decades to bring together.

Leonard Lauder, chairman emeritus of Estee LauderLeonard Lauder

"Leonard's gift is truly transformational for the Metropolitan Museum," Metropolitan Museum of Art director Thomas Campbell said.

"Although the Met is unique in its ability to exhibit over 5,000 years of art history, we have long lacked this critical dimension in the story of modernism. Now, Cubism will be represented with some of its greatest masterpieces.

"This is an extraordinary gift to our museum and our city."

The museum said the collection is unsurpassed in the number of masterpieces critical to the development of Cubism, which is considered the most influential art movement of the 20th century.

Picasso's The Scallop Shell (Notre avenir est dans l'air, 1912), Woman In An Armchair (Eva, 1913), Braque's Trees At L'Estaque (1908) and The Violin (Mozart/Kubelick, 1912) are among the highlights of the collection.

In a statement, Mr Lauder said his gift was for "the people who live and work in New York and those from around the world who come to visit our great arts institutions".

Metropolitan Museum of Art in New YorkThe Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York

"I selected the Met as the way to share this collection because I feel that it's essential that Cubism - and the art that follows it, for that matter - be seen and studied within the collections of one of the greatest encyclopaedic museums in the world," the 80-year-old said.

However, the public will have to wait until late 2014 before the huge array of works can be displayed at the museum.

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Jay-Z Beyonce's Visit To Cuba

A trip to Cuba by pop diva Beyonce and her hip-hop star husband Jay-Z was not illegal, the US Treasury department has insisted.

Beyonce and Jay-Z celebrated their fifth wedding anniversary in the capital Havana last week.

The trip had come under criticism from Republican politicians who questioned whether the couple was breaking an embargo forbidding US citizens from visiting the country.

But senior Treasury official Alastair Fitzpayne said in a letter to the concerned Republicans, that the couple's controversial trip was part of a cultural exchange and did not violate the economic embargo imposed on the island by the US.

"It is our understanding that the travellers in question travelled to Cuba pursuant to an educational exchange trip organised by a group authorised by OFAC (Office of Foreign Assets Control) to sponsor and organise programmes to promote people-to-people contact in Cuba," Mr Fitzpayne said in the letter.

Beyonce and Jay-Z in CubaThe couple photographing the crowds who came to see them

Last week, Republican representatives Ileana Ros-Lehtinen and Mario Diaz-Balart of Florida sent a letter to Treasury official Adam Szubin, director of OFAC, requesting information on the type of licence Beyonce and Jay-Z received before travelling to Cuba.

"As you know, US law expressly prohibits the licensing of financial transactions for 'tourist activities' in Cuba," the pair wrote.

Crowds gather outside of the Saratoga Hotel in Havana waiting for Beyonce and her husband rapper Jay-ZCuban fans wait to see the couple

Images of Beyonce and her husband walking around Havana surrounded by hundreds of fans stoked controversy in the US.

Under the embargo established against Cuba in 1962, US citizens cannot go to the island and spend money without permission from the government.

Mr Fitzpayne said OFAC "adheres strictly to the requirement in the Trade Sanctions Reform and Export Enhancement Act of 2000 that no licence be issued to travel to Cuba for tourist activities, as defined in the Act".

US citizens are not allowed to travel to Cuba purely as holidaymakers. However, they can get licences to go there on the grounds of academic, religious, journalistic or cultural exchange trips.

The so-called "people-to-people" licences were reinstated under the Obama administration.


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Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Silly A-hole in order to PresentaciĆ³n 'Random Accessibility Memories' in Aussie Farming Display

Feed: Music RollingStone
Posted on: Wednesday, April 10, 2013 04:40
Author: Music RollingStone
Subject: Daft Punk to Debut 'Random Access Memories' at Australian Agricultural Show


Daft Punk will premiere their long-awaited new album Random Access Memories at of all places the annual Wee Waa agricultural show in rural Wee Waa New South Wales Wee Waa's local news site reports The album is set for release on Columbia on May 21st but on May 17th the Wee...

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Monday, April 8, 2013

Morrissey features a couple of powerful terms regarding Maggie Thatcher's demise.

The previous Smiths frontman rips in to the later Uk Perfect Minister within a brand new open up notice released within the Every day Animal. "Every maneuver the girl created had been billed through disbelief, inch creates Morrissey, phoning the actual traditional presidential candidate "barbaric" as well as "a fear with no atom associated with mankind. inch Complete textual content from the notice comes after beneath.

Morrissey's fifteen The majority of Crazy Estimates

Thatcher is actually kept in mind since the Metal Woman because the girl held totally unfavorable characteristics for example prolonged obduracy, pigheadedness along with a decided refusal to hear other people.

Each and every maneuver the girl created had been billed through disbelief; the girl ruined the actual Uk production business, the girl disliked the actual miners, the girl disliked home repair, the girl disliked the actual Irish Independence Practitioners as well as permitted these to pass away, the girl disliked the actual British bad as well as do almost nothing to help these groups, the girl disliked Greenpeace as well as environment protectionists, the girl is the just Western politics innovator who else compared analysis within the Pale yellow Industry, the girl experienced absolutely no humor with no warmness as well as her very own Cupboard booted the girl away. The girl offered the actual in an attempt to amplify The actual Belgrano though it had been outside the Malvinas Exemption Area -- as well as had been cruising Away from island destinations! Once the younger Argentinean males on The actual Belgrano experienced experienced the the majority of terrible as well as unjust demise, Thatcher offered the actual thumb upward indication for your Uk push.

Metal? Number Philistine? Indeed. The girl disliked feminists though it had been mostly because of the advancement from the ladies motion that this Uk individuals permitted on their own to simply accept that the Perfect Minister may be woman. However due to Thatcher, people in no way once again become an additional lady within energy within Uk national politics, as well as instead of starting that one doorway with regard to some other females, the girl shut this.

Thatcher will simply become lovingly kept in mind through sentimentalists who else failed to endure below the girl command, however the most of Uk employees possess overlooked the girl currently, and also the individuals associated with Spain is going to be remembering the girl demise. Like a couple of documented reality, Thatcher was obviously a fear with no atom associated with mankind.


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Yeah Yeah Yeahs Commit 'Sacrilege' on 'Letterman'



Feed: Music RollingStone
Posted on: Saturday, April 06, 2013 23:58
Author: Music RollingStone
Subject: Yeah Yeah Yeahs Commit 'Sacrilege' on 'Letterman'


The Yeah Yeah Yeahs hit The Late Show With David Letterman last night to perform "Sacrilege" the new single off their forthcoming album Mosquito To give the song its proper churchy due the band brought on a gospel choir the Broadway Inspirational Voices which materialized from the back of the...

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Friday, April 5, 2013

Kardashian's maternity woes prompt a style lesson

NEW YORK (AP) — Kim Kardashian: Take note.

To be stylish and pregnant, you need to embrace your new shape. You have to celebrate it. But you also need to be aware of it, and not keep wearing your regular wardrobe — even if it's a size up.

Kardashian, who is expecting her first child with Kanye West in July, has taken heat from the tabloids and armchair fashion critics for her maternity look, which seems a continuation of her usual parade of body-hugging dresses — many of which have a hard-to-wear hemline that hits below the knee — tucked-in blouses, complicated couturelike details and super-high heels.

Lately, though, it seems she's taken the plunge into maternity clothes, sometimes wearing stretch-waist maternity jeans (designer, of course) and leggings, which Pea in the Pod design director Olivia Capone Myers says are the No. 1 must-have item for a successful pre- and post-baby wardrobe.

Leggings, along with side-ruched T-shirts and dresses, preferably made of stretch jersey, are the first things to buy when the bump starts showing, and they're the last ones you're wearing after mom and baby are settled in at home, Myers says.

Myers, herself 8 months pregnant, says the current wave of celebrity moms-to-be has reignited interest in this corner of the fashion world, which is sometimes more relatable to shoppers than the runway. The key, experts say, is to stay true to your personal style, but not be so stubborn that you won't tweak it.

"Jessica Simpson ... she's really done an amazing job of looking fabulous. She has tweaked her style, moving from heels to flats but still polished. She's kept her sense of style even with her changing body, and she isn't afraid to sport trends," Myers says. "She's wearing maxi dresses and lace."

Baukjen de Swaan Arons, designer of the British-based maternity label Isabella Oliver, has been watching star style, too. She liked Jenna Dewan Tatum's fitted couture black lace gown at the Oscars earlier this year, but she says that it's equally stylish to be "out and about" in a jersey top. And she gives kudos to a then-pregnant Kristen Bell for doing a rock 'n' roll leather jacket and bright purple dress at the Sundance Film Festival. (Bell has since given birth to a daughter.)

The Duchess of Cambridge Kate Middleton possesses what might be the world's most famous baby bump, and she has made a seamless transition into her slightly revamped look. She already wore "mostly pretty, flattering and simple silhouettes — dresses, coats, hats and monochromatic color," exactly what style expert Amy Tara Koch would suggest.

"She gets the balance, proportion, simplicity. It seems her nature, so it will already be easier for her to look good every day throughout her pregnancy," says Koch, who wrote the book "Bump It Up."

But that's not how Kardashian dresses, so there are other tips, says Koch: Kimono sleeves instantly create the bohemian vibe that works well in maternity wear, and so do tunic tops with a blousoned dropped waist. The high necks and below-the-knee hemlines Kardashian sometimes wears do not. Dangling earrings would draw the eye to the slope of the neck and shoulders, and a chunky necklace worn against a jewel neck or slightly scooped or V-neck shirt would emphasize the bustline upward.

"You want to create a focal point that will take attention from elsewhere," Koch says. "Kim's face looks so pretty now. She has that glow. That's what we should be looking at."

Fit is also important. Stay away from extremes — whether it's too tight or too loose, says designer Rebecca Minkoff, who blogs for

Oversized clothes might fit the bump, but will work against everywhere else, agrees de Swaan Arons. Consider this the time to show off nice legs or a bit of cleavage.

Jersey fabric with its tight-weave stretch is good camouflage (and not just for pregnant women). Designer Abi Ferrin says good jersey will stretch and shrink with the body, and that the weight of the fabric smooths bumps.

The garment should be cut to give a little bit of structure because the jersey is so forgiving, Ferrin says.

Minkoff got through her first trimester by looping a hair band around the button loop of her pants, but, she says, eventually moms-to-be turn to maternity clothes. Also, it's OK if they eventually need a little confidence boost to alleviate doubts about a changing figure, she says. Her easy fix? Invest in "great shoes, great jewelry and a great jacket."

Researcher MyungHee Sohn, an assistant professor of textile and apparel management at the University of Missouri, has found that, based on body scans, most pregnant women should be moving into maternity clothes in their fifth month, although shoppers typically put it off longer, and the industry uses a 7-month model for most of its measurements.

By the time they are five months pregnant, it's not just their belly that has grown, but also their bust, waist and hips, Sohn says. "It's definitely a new shape. It's not just the body of a woman who gained weight."

Pea in the Pod's Myers notes that what's in maternity stores now reflects broader fashion trends. You'll find the tunic-and-blazer combination, the cardigans layered with nice Ts, and even the bright pops of color and springtime prints. "The mistake I see most is the mentality that they think they have to stay away from stripes, or florals or prints because they fear them to be unflattering, but I think the opposite is true," she says.

A clean, sharp nautical stripe, for example, will break up the bump.

An "it" look, like a peplum, which she dubs "an arrow to your hips," can be harder to pull off, Koch says. Instead consider of-the-moment accessories, such as a shoe-bootie with a stacked heel or a candy-colored, oversized handbag.

Just don't overstuff it — yet. "Pretty soon that will turn into a heavy diaper bag," Minkoff says.


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Craig, Weisz to star in 'Betrayal' on Broadway

NEW YORK (AP) — Real-life husband and wife Daniel Craig and Rachel Weisz are to play an adulterous stage couple in a Broadway production of Harold Pinter's "Betrayal."

Weisz will make her Broadway debut in Pinter's 1978 study in deception, which charts an extramarital affair in reverse.

Her character, Emma, is married to Craig's Robert, but is having an affair with Jerry, played by rising star Rafe Spall.

James Bond star Craig last appeared on Broadway in 2009 in "A Steady Rain."

Broadway veteran Mike Nichols will direct the production, which previews from Oct. 1 and opens Nov. 3 at New York's Barrymore Theatre. The announcement was made Friday.

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Thursday, April 4, 2013

The actual Rent They are able to Perform: The particular Battle More than 'Used' Songs Shows Regarding On the internet Press

ReDigi is an online service that allows you to resell your (legally obtained) media files. It seems chipper and on the up-and-up, and you can imagine that to music industry executives this video looks like a ransom video with a cute soundtrack. Thus began some lawsuits, one of which has just concluded in favor of Vivendi (VIV), the parent of Capitol records. Much is yet to be determined, but it’s a bad outcome for ReDigi.

ReDigi has, as so many services do, a snappy video explaining that if you just put all your music in the ReDigi cloud, you’ll be able to sell it for credits (at which point it’s erased from your hard drive) and buy new music. From there on, it’s simply a matter of transferring licenses. ReDigi spends a lot (a lot) of time in its FAQ to clarify legal issues, which is always an interesting indicator, but its main stance seems to be: We don’t make copies but rather move a single digital file around, and thus we are in the clear.

“The clear” in this case is the “first sale doctrine,” which holds that when you buy a copy of a copyrighted work, you have the right to “sell, display or otherwise dispose of that particular copy, notwithstanding the interests of the copyright owner.” Capitol Records didn’t think this applied in a world of perfect duplication. Neither did a U.S. District Court judge in Manhattan.

There are many ways to look at this decision. One in particular stands out: ReDigi is capitalizing on the arbitrary rules put in place by music sellers regarding the use and re-use of digital files. Often, you’re not buying the song so much as the license that lets you hear the song. (A few months ago there was a good bit of speculation as to who owns your music after you die, and the answer was: “no one you know.”)

Sure, since a copy of a digital file is a perfect copy, the concept of a “used” song is vague. So is the concept of “not owning” music that you paid to download. ReDigi might not have handed money back to the labels; whether it made piracy too easy is a question for the lawyers. Still, it was keeping alive the idea that music is something for which a person pays money (or at least credits). That is: To ReDigi, songs were worth something.

What is a song worth to Spotify or competitors such as Rdio? To them, a song is an entry in a very large database—and they solve the licensing problem by managing the licenses in bulk, then allowing listeners access to their libraries of music. At some level, Spotify is not a music service but a license clearinghouse that specializes in music.

There’s money in this, apparently, but it’s not accruing to the artists. Not long ago Damon Krukowski of the seminal alternative rock band Galaxie 500 broke down his earnings from streaming services. The results weren’t great. To earn the equivalent of one LP sale, his songs needed to be played 47,680 times on Spotify. A second musician, Zeo Keating, reported that Pandora (P) paid her $1,652.75 for more than 1.5 million song plays. So far, the large music labels have been able to negotiate with streaming services, but as the streaming music players get bigger their power will increase; Spotify is apparently looking for price breaks from the major labels.

The big question now is not “whose album gets made?” but more “who gets to listen?” Not just who, but when—and who gets paid for the privilege? Oh, for the days when record stores featured bootlegs and cats. The clerks might have been snotty, but at least you didn’t have to have endless discussions about databases and doctrine. No one, anywhere, had to know how often you listened to Supertramp.

That’s another part of the puzzle. Streaming services generate a tremendous amount of data that has value of its own; sooner or later it will be used to make decisions about what gets produced.

Note that little of the technology here is new. The technology and tools needed to create a very large database of digital music that can be accessed by many thousands of people has been extant for well over a decade. If you use peer-to-peer networks to transfer songs, you don’t even need to pay for bandwidth. (There’s nothing inherently illegal about peer-to-peer networks; it’s all in how they are used.)


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'Catching Fire' Movie trailer In order to PresentaciĆ³n In Film Honours: View Put Look Right now!

The 2013 MTV Movie Awards will be "Catching Fire" on April 14. Not literally, of course, but don't be surprised if the "Hunger Games" fandom spontaneously combusts when star Liam Hemsworth takes the stage to present the first teaser trailer from the highly anticipated November 22 release.

And though you'll have to wait until show night for the full bite, MTV is giving you an exclusive, 10-second preview of the 2 1/2 minute feast awaiting loyal fanatics. The clip in question shows District 12 tributes Katniss Everdeen (Jennifer Lawrence) and Peeta Mellark (Josh Hutcherson) in the midst of their Panem-wide Victory Tour, being ushered to the stage by enthusiastic mentor Effie Trinket (Elizabeth Banks).

"The Hunger Games: Catching Fire," directed by Francis Lawrence, follows Katniss and Peeta as they're once again thrust into the deadly arena to contend with 22 fellow tributes out for blood. But an even bigger uprising is mounting beyond the walls of the titular death match — one that could change their nation forever.

The dystopian drama is no stranger to the Movie Awards, having made a splashy debut at last year's ceremony, reaping four Golden Popcorns: Best Male Performance, Best Female Performance, Best Fight and Best On-Screen Transformation.

The 2013 MTV Movie Awards, starring "Pitch Perfect" actress Rebel Wilson, will boast plenty more memorable moments where that came from, including Will Ferrell accepting the first-ever Comedic Genius Award, and Emma Watson receiving this year's Trailblazer Award.

It all goes down on Sunday, April 14 at 9 p.m. ET.

Will Jennifer Lawrence get her silver lining in the form of a Golden Popcorn? Which beefcake will sizzle in our brand-new Best Shirtless Performance category? It's up to you to decide the winners of the 2013 MTV Movie Awards! Vote now, and tune in Sunday, April 14 at 9 p.m. ET, as star Rebel Wilson takes the stage at the Sony Pictures Studios lot in Culver City, California.

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Smashing away! Expecting Betty Kardashian problems in order to consist of the girl popular figure in an exceedingly exposing conservative gown

She was recently forced to respond to criticism of her maternity style.

And Kim Kardashian continued to push fashion boundaries on Wednesday when she made a stop for frozen yoghurt in a very revealing cream maxi dress.

The 32-year-old reality show star showed off her famous ample curves in the long frock which showed off a great deal of her ample cleavage. 

Busting out: Kim Kardashian shows off her ample curves in an off-the-shoulder cream maxi dress as she made a stop for frozen yoghurt in Los Angeles on Wednesday

The star teamed the ensemble with flip flops and wore her long dark hair loose over her shoulders.

It was Kim's second outfit change of the day after she was earlier spotted at the nail salon sporting a baggy black coat over black leggings and sneakers.

She seemed to enjoy herself as she sat down with a couple of friends and her reality show camera crew in the Sweet Harts store.

Healthy treat: Kim showed off her ample chest in the cream maxi dress as she sampled frozen yoghurt with fruit in the SweetHarts shop

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Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Indian native acting professional documents match towards Shah Rukh Khan

Indian native acting professional as well as movie director Manoj Kumar offers submitted the multimillion-dollar legal action towards Bollywood celebrity Shah Rukh Khan with regard to publishing a favorite 3 years ago movie within The japanese without having removing moments which make enjoyable associated with your pet.

Kumar is seeking 1 billion rupees ($18.5 million) in damages from Khan and Eros International, the producers of "Om Shanti Om." The suit was filed Tuesday in a court in a Mumbai suburb, according to Indian media.

Kumar had approached a court when the movie premiered in 2007, objecting to scenes spoofing his mannerisms. In 2008, a Mumbai court ordered that the scenes be deleted from any future screenings, and Khan apologized to Kumar.

Kumar said the film was recently released in Japan without deleting the scenes.

"I had forgiven them earlier, but not this time. They have disrespected me," Kumar said.

The 75-year-old actor played the lead in several films with patriotic themes in the 1960s and '70s. He received one of India's top civilian awards in 1992 and a lifetime achievement award from the Indian film fraternity in 1999.

"Om Shanti Om" is a romantic comedy featuring Khan and Deepika Padukone in lead roles.

The film's director, Farah Khan, said the wrong version of the movie may have been distributed in Japan.

"This has not been done purposely. The film's distributors may have erred and sent an old print to Japan," she told reporters Wednesday. "Anyway, it's time to let go. It's a time to feel happy and proud that it is doing so well in Japan."


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R. Sambora to miss part of Jovi tour

TRENTON, N.J. (AP) — Guitarist Richie Sambora will not be performing with Bon Jovi during the current leg of the band's Because We Can tour.

The band, on its website, cited "personal issues." The band says all shows will go on as scheduled. No other information was given.

Hours before the announcement late Tuesday, Sambora tweeted that he was "Watching more of the 'Every Road Leads Home To You' cover videos." That was a reference to a fan contest promoting a song on his solo album "Aftermath of the Lowdown."

The 53-year-old has struggled with substance abuse. He has done several stints in rehab.

Bon Jovi is slated to perform in Edmonton, Canada, on Wednesday and the current leg of the tour is scheduled to end April 25 in San Jose, Calif.

Bon Jovi's 12th album, "What About Now," debuted at No. 1 on the Billboard 200 albums chart last month.


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Rolling Stones announce Nine city tour

NEW YORK (AP) — Call it satisfaction: The Rolling Stones have announced a nine-city tour.

The veteran rockers said Wednesday their "50 and Counting" tour will kick off in Los Angeles at the Staples Center. The date will be announced later.

The second show is in Oakland, Calif., on May 5. The tour will also visit San Jose, Calif.; Las Vegas; Anaheim, Calif.; Toronto; Chicago; and Boston. The tour ends June 18 in Philadelphia.

Tickets for Oakland, San Jose, Toronto and Chicago go on sale April 8. Ticket sales for the other cities will be announced later.

The band will also headline the Glastonbury Festival on June 29 and will perform at London's Hyde Park on July 6.

Former band mate Mick Taylor, who was a member of the Rolling Stones from 1969 through 1974, will be a special guest throughout the tour.

The foursome celebrated their 50 anniversary late last year, playing five sold-out shows in New York, New Jersey and London. Special guests included Bruce Springsteen, Lady Gaga, the Black Keys and Mary J. Blige.

"We did a few shows in London and New York last year ... and had such a good time that we thought ... let's do some more," Mick Jagger said in a statement. "It's a good show."

"From day one at rehearsals it sounded so fresh. You could tell that everybody was dying to get their teeth into it," Keith Richards said. "... it is the life and blood of us to play in front of people."

The band released a 30-second video early Wednesday featuring Jagger, Richards, Charlie Watts and Ronnie Wood chatting about getting together again.

Wood says in a video conversation over the computer with his band mates: "Well it's about time kids. I've been waiting for this call."


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Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Music Artiles 12 April 2013

Phil Ramone, Legendary Music Producer, Dead at 79
E! Online
Ramone went on to produce Broadway musical soundtracks like Stephen Sondheim's Passion as well as albums of original movie scores like the one for 1984's Flashdance. He also had a string of memorable concerts and film and TV production credits ...
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E! Online

Music Review: Soul survivor Charles Bradley turns up fuzz on latest album ...
Washington Post
Follow AP Music Writer Chris Talbott: . Copyright 2013 The Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed. Reprints · More music content. Show Me: Photos ...
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Music Review: Venezuela's Los Amigos Invisibles groove with fresh fun on ...
Washington Post
Los Amigos Invisibles, “Repeat After Me” (Nacional Records). Dreamy, funky, sophisticated and groovy. This combination is most uncommon in the world of Latin alternative music — and that's why the new offering from Venezuelan groovemasters Los Amigos ...
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First Family hosts 2013 White House Easter Egg Roll
New York Daily News
More than 30,000 people are expected to visit the South Lawn throughout the day for egg rolling, music, sports, storytelling and cooking demonstrations. First Lady Michelle Obama stressed the importance of staying active and eating food other than ...
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New York Daily News

A Setback for Resellers of Digital Products
New York Times
A federal judge in New York has dealt a blow to the nascent business of reselling digital goods like music and e-books, ruling that a small company's secondary market for digital music infringes on the copyrights controlled by record companies. Enlarge ...
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SLU offers summer music programs
Seattle Post Intelligencer
Musicians in grades five through eight have until May 1 to register for the middle school band camp, which will take place July 8-12, from 9 a.m.-5 p.m. at the Pottle Music Building on Southeastern's campus in Hammond. Tuition is $225 and includes lunch.
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Gene Simmons says music can save a child's life
Superior Telegram
Gene Simmons says music can save a child's life. Kiss frontman Gene Simmons made a surprise appearance at a Sioux Falls benefit concert Saturday, where he spoke of music's power to positively shape children's lives. By: KRISTI EATON, Associated Press ...
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Spoon Recording New Songs With 'Slightly More Soul'
Britt Daniel has been busy with his new group Divine Fits, but he's still been writing and working recently with his main squeeze Spoon. Daniel had written some new Spoon music and was waiting for his bandmates to add in their arrangements. While he's ...
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RIP Paul Williams, pioneering rock critic and founder of Crawdaddy!
A.V. Club
In 1966, when Williams was 17 and enrolled for his freshman (and, as it turned out, only) year at Swarthmore College, he began writing about rock music. Stapling the mimeographed pages together, and christening the results with a name taken from the ...
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A.V. Club

Chris Brown promises to be good to Rihanna, releases 'Fine China' music video (blog)
Chris Brown's new single and music video "Fine China" is all about treating a woman right, and he promises to do that in real life too in a new interview with "Today." "For me, you know, I've been humbled by the whole experience," he tells Matt Lauer.
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Appeals court denies ReDigi appeal, says music downloads can't be ...
By Jon Fingas
ReDigi took a gamble that it could resell legally purchased song downloads, much as you would that one-hit wonder CD you bought in high school.
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Hanson Is MMMback With New Music AND A Tour!! |
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Hanson is bringing us new music and will be headed out on tour for their new album, Anthem!

A guide to Alexander Goehr's music | Music |
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Without Goehr's appreciation of history, musical modernism would have taken even longer to reach Britain than it did, writes Tom Service.
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Music Fans Aren't Owners? - Electronic Frontier Foundation
By Corynne McSherry
In a blow to the future of the first sale doctrine—the law that protects your ability to lend, sell, or give away your copy of books, music and other copyrighted works—a federal court held today that the Redigi music service, which allows music ...

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Gustavo Dudamel led the Los Angeles Philharmonic at Avery Fisher Hall for two programs this week.

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